Keeping Melbourne CBD on their Feet!
Clinic located at:
Victoria Harbour Medical Centre
2&3, 850 Collins Street, Docklands, VIC 3008
Email: surfpod@bigpond.com
Also 6 convenient locations along the Surf Coast, Torquay, Belmont, Ocean Grove, Angelsea, Aireys Inlet & Lorne.

Children's Feet
Footcare starts from birth, our feet are our most valuable assets! Your child is never too young to see a Podiatrists, and our Podiatrists are all experts in dealing with young children.
Childrens feet are different from those of adults as they are not yet fully formed.
​Children begin to walk anywhere between eight and 18 months of age. Most toddlers are flat-footed when they first start walking, or tend to turn their feet inwards, because of poor muscle tone and weak ligaments in their feet. This will improve as the feet strengthen.
Foot care can begin from infancy by keeping your childs feet unconstrained. When your child first begins to walk, shoes are not necessary indoors as allowing your child to go barefoot or with just socks will enhance the foot to grow naturally and promote the grasping action of the toes.

When should you take your child to a Podiatrist?
If you notice uneven shoe wear
If you notice any skin rashes, hard skin lumps or bumps on your childs feet
If your child complains of recurrent pain in the feet and/legs
If your child is constantly tripping or falling
If your child has a propensity for ankle sprains
Foot, arch, hip, knee and/back pain
Muscle Fatigue
Clawing Toe
To help resolve your child's foot pain we provide

Gait Assessments which include walking, running, posture.
Strengthening and stretching exercises
Deep connective tissue massage
Kid-specific orthotic or insoles therapy
Activity modifications
Proper footwear advice, including first walker and school shoes
Victoria Harbour Podiatry Located within Victoria Harbour Medical Centre
2/3 850 Collins St Docklands
Ph: 9629 1414 Fax: 9629 4265
Ashwood- Located within Restore Movement509 Warrigal Rd, Ashwood
Ph: 9885 4571 Fax: 9886 0072
Torquay - 9 Great Ocean Road Jan Juc
Ph: 5261 6416 Fax: 5264 8027
Belmont - Located within Eastbrooke Medical Centre
75 Roslyn Road Belmont
Ph: 5243 0919 Fax: 5245 7300
Ocean Grove - 12 Tuckfield St Ocean Grove
Ph: 5256 2636 Fax: 5255 1018
Anglesea - 13 Diggers Pde Anglesea
Ph: 0415 564 497
Aireys Inlet - Located within Aireys Inlet Medical Centre
37 Great Ocean Rd Aireys Inlet
Ph: 5289 4300
Lorne - Located at Lorne Hospital
Albert St Lorne
Ph: 5289 4300